
Reflection by Holy Name Church

June 28th – 2020

The examples are stark in the gospel today: about not preferring mother and father to Jesus; about how, in our care for others, we care for Jesus, and how, in our neglect of others, we neglect him. We need to go beyond the practical example to finding out what is central in our lives and how we see God as central.

June 18th – 2020

The Ascension celebrates that Jesus has come full circle because, having come from the Father to accomplish a specific mission, he returns to the Father having achieved what he was sent to do. And he was sent to save us from spiritual death and alienation from God that is due to our sins.

June 14th – 2020

The Ascension celebrates that Jesus has come full circle because, having come from the Father to accomplish a specific mission, he returns to the Father having achieved what he was sent to do. And he was sent to save us from spiritual death and alienation from God that is due to our sins.

June 7th – 2020

The Ascension celebrates that Jesus has come full circle because, having come from the Father to accomplish a specific mission, he returns to the Father having achieved what he was sent to do. And he was sent to save us from spiritual death and alienation from God that is due to our sins.

May 24th – 2020

The Ascension celebrates that Jesus has come full circle because, having come from the Father to accomplish a specific mission, he returns to the Father having achieved what he was sent to do. And he was sent to save us from spiritual death and alienation from God that is due to our sins.

May 10th – 2020

Today’s Gospel takes us back in time to an event in
Jesus’ life before his Passion. Jesus tells his disciples that
he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father’s
house. He promises that where he is going, his disciples
will be able to follow. Thomas, who will later doubt the
disciples’ reports that they have seen the Risen Lord,
contradicts Jesus by saying that the disciples don’t know
where Jesus is going or how to get there. Jesus explains
that he himself is the way, the truth, and the life.