Sts. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia

Sts. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia

The relics of St. Vitus (also known as St. Guy) were transferred to various places — an arm is in St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague. According to legendary Acts, the boy Vitus was baptized without the knowledge of his father. Having found out about it, his father had him beaten with rods by the magistrate. While his parent was considering more cruel punishments, Vitus, his teacher Modestus, and his nurse Crescentia fled to Sicily upon the command of an angel. But there, too, they were persecuted because of the faith. When thrown into a cauldron of burning oil, they, like the three youths, sang hymns of praise. And wild beasts would not harm them. It is related that they were then quartered. Vitus is one of the “Fourteen Holy Helpers” (he is invoked against epilepsy and St. Vitus’ dance).

Excerpted from The Church’s Year of Grace, Pius Parsch

Patron: Vitus: actors; against animal attacks; against dog bites; against lightning; against oversleeping; against storms; against wild beasts; comedians; Czechoslovakia; dancers; dog bites; dogs; epilepsy; Forio, Italy; lightning; oversleeping; Prague, Czech Republic; rheumatic chorea; Saint Vitus Dance; snake bites; storms.

Symbols: Vitus: Wolf or lion; cockatrice on a book; fire; cock; chained dog; cauldron of boiling oil; palm and cauldron; palm and dog; chalice and dog; sword and dog; sword and rooster;
Often Portrayed as: Boy with a rooster and a cauldron; With Modestus and Crescentia as they refuse to worship idols; being put into an oven; young prince with a palm and sceptre.
Crescentia: Boat piloted by an angel; cauldron of oil; sword.

Mass Readings

June 15, 2020 (Readings on USCCB website)