Step 2 of Alberta's Reopening Plan

Step 2 of Alberta’s Reopening Plan is in place

During this time of transition in the Province’s easing of health and safety restrictions, we are all asked to exercise respect, charity, and kindness with one another and to be conscious of the varying comfort levels of people especially in the following areas.

  • The wearing of masks is no longer required by the Province but people are free to continue the use of facemasks if they choose to. This applies to everyone including the clergy and to anyone serving in a liturgical capacity.
    • Note: It is possible that some municipalities may have a municipal face covering bylaw or any other health and safety measure that is not in alignment with the approach of the province. Please check with your municipality when in doubt.
  • There has been no mention of physical distancing in Step 2, in order to respect people’s personal space and comfort level, however, it would be a prudent practise to allow for some distance between people of different households.
    • At this time, for the sign of peace, we are asked to exchange peace with those outside of our household with a bow or a nod and not by a handshake.
    • In social settings, it would be charitable not to presume that others are comfortable to shake hands or to hug.
  • People who have symptoms not related to a pre-existing condition should avoid going to the church or being in public as a courtesy to others.
  • We are all encouraged to observe proper hand hygiene by sanitizing our hands at any of the sanitizer stations in the church or by washing our hands regularly with soap and water.
  • We are encouraged to observe respiratory etiquette, such as coughing or sneezing into a bent elbow and the prompt disposal of any used tissues in trash cans.
  • Access the complete details on the Step 2 implementation of the Government of Alberta. 


Full details may be viewed on the Diocesan website here.

Thank you and God Bless you.