Father Mario’s Message to Parishioners
April 14, 2020
Father Mario Basque’s Easter Message
The Lord is risen, Alleluia! Alleluia! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! Alleluia!
Happy Easter everyone! We are all celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is Easter Day for 8 days – known as the Octave of Easter.
We need Easter, Jesus is resurrected. He is risen to new life and wants us to share in that resurrection. During these difficult times due to the COVID-19 crisis, we are experiencing fear, anxiety, boredom, financial issues etc.. These are dark times, but we have the hope and confidence of new life in the resurrection of the Son of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ. This new life is not only for us now, today, but forever. The Good News is that we will live forever if we abide in Christ. We do not die but live forever. Jesus has conquered death once and for all. Jesus by dying on the cross has opened heaven. We receive the forgiveness of sin and will eventually have a resurrected body like Jesus, physical but perfect for all time. Knowing what our future will be, will help us to have hope and strength and to deal effectively with our current situation because we can put it in proper perspective.
Both myself and Father John Wright are presiding at Mass daily for your well-being. We are praying for you and your families. Even though you, the parishioners of Holy Name Parish, are not physically present at our private Mass, we are doing the Mass daily for you, because you can receive grace from our Mass, just like you would if you were physically present. This is called “Spiritual Communion”. This is also true for the live-streamed Masses that Bishop William McGrattan has presided at. All you need to do daily is have a memory of the Mass and you will receive the grace of our Mass.
I also want to inform you that I am taking Mass Intentions for this week. Just call the Parish Office and Marlene will help you.
I wish all of you a good and Happy Easter!
Sincerely from your Pastor,
Father Mario Basque
Holy Name Parish
Calgary, Alberta