2021 Finance Council Review

May 15, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As Chair of the Finance Council of Holy Name Parish, I am writing to provide you an update on the financial status of our parish.

It has been a difficult two years for many of us. Fortunately, it appears as though we are moving out of the most acute phase of the pandemic and into endemic status. Life is returning to normal and that includes activities at Holy Name.

Holy Name made it through 2021 reasonably well, all things considered. There were tough decisions made to reduce costs in 2020 and through the generosity of our parishioners, we ended 2021 with a loss of about $27,000.

However, our cost structure in 2021 reflected one-time benefits with respect to lower mortgage payments, government subsidies and cathedraticum payments to the diocese. In 2022, as the world returns to normal, so do our financial obligations.

We are anticipating higher obligations in 2022 as our principal and interest payments on our mortgage return to normal, our contributions to Together in Action and to the diocese return to normal, we will have higher insurance costs and government subsidies that go away. All told, we are facing costs that are $200,000 higher in 2022 than in 2021.

We are presented now with an opportunity to renew and refresh our Parish and with that renewal we will see increased attendance, engagement, spiritual confidence and ultimately financial support. I humbly ask all of you to consider where you can contribute.

I can personally attest that I was not looking for a new volunteer role. But as I was spending time with Jesus one day at the tabernacle, Father Mario asked me if I could help out. It wasn’t what I was praying for but nonetheless, I accepted. I challenge all of you, my fellow parishioners, to heed the Holy Spirit’s call to action and collectively renew our Parish.

Finally, pray to our Blessed Mother Mary for her intercession. Mary is the Undoer of Knots and in my experience, Mary always comes through!

We thank you for your prior generosity and ask for your consideration and continued support of Holy Name in the coming months. Support Holy Name online here, or call the parish office at 403-249-7764 for other support options.

On behalf of Fr. Mario and the finance council, thank you and God bless.

Robert Cooper

Finance Council Chair, Holy Name Church